As one of the largest and most influential names in the world, Amazon has dabbled into nearly every space imaginable – from online shopping to TV and music streaming. Now, people have slowly gotten on board Amazon Music Unlimited as a supplemental service to their Prime subscriptions.
With the announcement of a recent price hike, how does it stack up?
What You Need To Know About Amazon Music Unlimited
Based on what we’ve seen so far, the Music Unlimited service has one of, if not the best audio quality on any streaming service. Its lossless features can even go toe-to-toe with specialist Hi-Fi programs such as Tidal. When you have playback of up to Ultra HD quality, it’s a strong point for your music service.
While it may not completely defeat Tidal in terms of audiophile technicalities, the fact that it comes pretty close is nothing to scoff at. It can leave normal Spotify in the dust, while we’re still waiting for Spotify HiFi.
Additionally, thanks to being an Amazon product, the library is diverse as well – with around 100 million accessible songs available at the tap of a button. The brand has a lot of partnered artists from all countries and genres, so you’ll never run out of tracks to listen to.
Let’s not forget that Amazon Music Unlimited now supports Dolby Atmos for a cinematic music-listening experience.
It isn’t all perfect though. According to some users, the app and its “shuffle” algorithms need some work. It still isn’t up there in terms of allowing its users to experience new music – often opting for established top hits in every person’s playlist. Speaking of bugs, the desktop program also would benefit from a UI redesign as well as some speed improvements.
Also, it lacks the podcasts on Spotify’s plate, as well as the Videos provided by YouTube Premium. So if you’re looking for more than just the music, you may want to reconsider and think again.
Apple Music is a viable competitor as well, thanks to its lossless, high-fidelity options.
The Cost Of Amazon Music Unlimited
You honestly get a better deal if you’re already subscribed to Amazon Prime. For non-Prime users, it’s a monthly rate of $5.99 for students, $10.99 for Individuals, and $16.99 for Family use. The Family and Student rates remain the same with Amazon Prime, but Individuals receive a $1 discount to $9.99 a month.
That discount may not sound like a lot – but that makes it cheaper than Apple Music and Spotify, which has matched the non-Prime rates dollar-per-dollar. Meanwhile, Tidal HiFi has also copied the Individual and Family rates for non-Prime Amazon Music Unlimited users but is a bit kinder to students with a $4.99 monthly subscription fee.
Keep in mind that all services offer the same family plan accommodation of six registered devices.
Considering all this information, do you think that Amazon Music Unlimited is worth it? Which music streaming service is currently getting your hard-earned money? Let me know in the comments!
As someone who is very passionate about all things tech, Nath loves breaking concepts down into simple terms for even beginners to understand. In his free time, he travels, indulges in his automotive hobbies, or simply looks for new jams to listen to.