Chord BerTTi: Redefining Affordable Stereo Power Amplifiers

Chord BerTTi

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The Chord BerTTi is the latest product from the British audio manufacturer Chord Electronics. And if you are seeking a powerful yet affordable power amp, you should check this unit out.

Not only does it comes packed with high-end technologies, but it also boasts a tremendous amount of power. Of course, there’s no denying that it comes with a very unique name.

Nonetheless, the Chord BerTTi is a fully balanced stereo power amplifier at the core. It directly replaces the last power amplifier released by Chord Electronics, the Chord TToby. 

Chord BerTTi
Source: Chord Electronics

And it comes with everything that it needs to become a true successor. The Chord BerTTi has 75 watts of output power rating on each channel at 8 ohms. 

In comparison, the Chord Ttoby delivered 50 watts of power per channel. So, the new amplifier is definitely more powerful than its predecessor.

But the main highlight of the Chord BerTTi is the integration of ULTIMA-level topology. It comes with the latest dual-feed forward error-correction topology. 

Chord BerTTi
Source: Chord Electronics

According to Chord Electronics, the tech does more than just monitor and correct the signals. It makes sure that the output stage has increased accuracy during the playback. 

Moreover, it promises to deliver a more faithful sound experience. According to John Franks, the CEO, “BerTTi utilizes our ULTIMA technology which continuously monitors the electrical and thermal performance parameters for each of the MOSFET power devices.”

The CEO explains that the addition of ULTIMA technology gives the Chord BerTTi an additional layer of control in the power components’ topology, lowering all distortion modes. Wondering what can power with the Chord BerTTi? 

Chord BerTTi
Source: Chord Electronics

Well, it can drive most of the loudspeakers. That includes bookshelf types to the hardest-to-drive floor standers. So no matter how robust your setup is, you can rely on this affordable power amplifier to offer you the best possible experience.

As a successor to the Chord TToby, the BerTTi comes with unbalanced RCA and XLR balanced analog inputs. 

There is one set of speaker terminals available too. You will also find two modified power supplies along with an additional auxiliary power rail.

Chord BerTTi
Source: Chord Electronics

They offer increased voltage and allow you to drive custom-made MOSFETs. Even though the BerTTi has powerful internals, the housing is compact. It features an aluminum construction and comes with a new front panel.

You can get the Chord BerTTi in Argent Silver or Jett Black. Both the color options look sleek and will easily blend with any HiFi setup

The official sale starts in September 2023. However, you can pre-order and book one for yourself now.

Slava is a man of mystery and no-one seems to know exactly where he is at any point in time. When he isn't enjoying writing about all things audio and technical he can be found researching his next project of interest. The man never rests.

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