Sometimes you just can’t use words…
I’ve had a Google Mini and an array of Amazon Alexas in the house for a long time now.
My Google Home Mini (Google Nest mini) in the bedroom, which if I’m honest, I’d prefer for most locations in the house as she just seems a lot smarter than other smart speakers. One of the things that frustrates me most about the Google Mini is the inability to easily manage alarms, like wake me up in the morning alarms.
Let’s say I set an alarm for the morning, and then I wake up before the alarm, I would like to cancel the alarm so it’s not going to wake up my partner or anyone else in the house unnecessarily.
I don’t want to say, “Hey, Google, cancel my 6:30 a.m. alarm,” because that defeats the purpose of trying to silence the alarm without waking anyone else up.
The Google Home app has been updated at various points over the years. Most recently the update is focused on a home screen that zeroes in on your smart home devices. I’m absolutely fine with this.
However, locating the settings for some of these devices is not always straightforward. I believe the assumption is that, because Google’s voice command management is so accurate, who needs an app to control the devices?
I think this is true and this is a correct approach for Google to take. However, there is still that lingering alarm management feature, which I wish was bubbled up a little high up to the surface of the app so it was easier to manage and maintain for each device.
So in the current Google Home app, the way that you would silence an alarm on the device by using your smartphone is as follows.
How to Cancel a Google Home smart speaker alarm from your Phone
Step 1:
Open the Google Home app and find the smart speaker device where you set the alarm.
Step 2:
When the device opens in the top right, you should see a settings cog. Click on that icon.
Step 3:
In Available Options that open with the settings icon, there is one called Audio. This does not feel intuitive to me, but this is where you need to go to cancel the alarm.
Step 4:
Pressing Audio, you will find Alarms and Timers as a menu option. When you click on Alarms and Timers, this will open and show you the available timers and alarms that you may have set on your device.
Step 5:
To cancel a specific alarm, just press the cross icon in the top right of the box specific to that alarm.
The view that you have in the Alarms and Timers section is also going to show you any ongoing scheduled alarms that you have.
For example, if you’ve set an alarm to go at 7:15 on Mondays through Fridays, those will also show there.
This specific tip on how to cancel a Google alarm from your iPhone is really most effective when you’ve got one-off alarms that you need to cancel.
You don’t really want to cancel a scheduled alarm if you want it to continue to operate on other days. So be careful that you don’t cancel an alarm that is on an ongoing schedule or, if you do cancel an ongoing scheduled alarm, that you remember to reset it the following evening or on the next cycle.
Finally, just to add, I feel it’s worth saying that other than this small, manual action I really love the google home mini (nest mini) and would recommend it to anyone.
Hopefully, this has been helpful to you. If you have any specific questions, please do ask them in the comments below.
Endless hours of experimentation, professional work, and personal investment in Home Theatre, Hi-Fi, Smart Home Automation and Headphones have come to this.
Former owner of Headphones Canada, a high-end headphone specialty retailer.
Great article. Was very informative and helpful!! Thank you.
Thanks James! Took me a while to figure it out, so I figured it was worth sharing.
I 100% agree with you. We have a Google Speaker with a clock from Insignia. We have only one in the room. So my wife and I both set the alarm. I have a twice a week alarm an hour or more a week before my wife’s. I often am up before the alarm. I would like to turn it off via my phone without talking (I don’t want to wake her up) and only that day out of a repeat weekly alarm. Your instructions work, but then I have to reschedule again and it is difficult to find. Finally, I would like to be able to set an alarm remotely from my phone on any of the 7 minis/Insignias we have. For example, my son forgets to set his alarm, so I would like to set it for him from my phone. All of this should be easy to access part of the Home App under alarms/clocks. Thank you for the instructions, I keep forgetting the process!
Yes, the resetting is annoying if it’s a daily alarm. This is a good fix for a single alarm but at least you can avoid waking up everyone if needed!
You saved me, Mark. Much appreciated
You’re welcome! Glad it helped.
Thank you! I was looking everywhere (except the right location) to cancel the alarm before it drove my pets crazy for the next 5 hours before I get back!
You’re so welcome. I’m glad it was helpful. It took me a while to figure it out too.
Just a simple thanks. Very helpful!
Exactly what I was looking for this morning! Thanks! So now I can let her sleep. With one minute to spare, no less !
Ha! Indeed. Glad it helped. ?
Thank you! It helped to fix the annoying problem.
Yes – I found myself needing this again on the weekend and had forgotten how I solved it (holidays always throw things out) – just as well I wrote it down here!