Everything was going smoothly while I was listening to music using my Bluetooth speaker the other day. Then the speakers began to make a crackling noise.
I played track after track but I couldn’t figure out what was causing the noise and it got too unpleasant so I had no choice but to shut off the music.
The crackling sound on Bluetooth speakers can be very annoying because it ruins your listening experience.
What Causes My Bluetooth Speaker to Start Crackling?
One of the most practical ways to enjoy your favorite music at home or on the move is via wireless audio. However, wireless audio devices, such as Bluetooth speakers, are prone to a few common problems.
One common problem you may encounter with these speakers is the presence of a crackling sound.
Several things can cause this. The crackling sound may be caused by a low-quality audio file. It could be a battery issue or a software issue.
When it comes to issues with electronic devices, it’s always good to know what causes the problem so you’ll know how to troubleshoot it.
So here are the common reasons your Bluetooth speaker may be crackling and how to fix it.
Reason 1: Blown Speaker
A blown speaker is when a speaker becomes defective because of overuse or improper use. This can also happen if your speaker is too old. Your Bluetooth speaker will make a crackling noise if the speaker is blown.
How to Fix It:
You’ll need to dismantle your speaker and look for broken components. Check whether the speaker has a cone rip or a damaged voice coil.
Once you’ve found the damaged parts, simply swap them out and this should resolve the problem.
Reason 2: Issues with EQ and Volume Boost
My Bluetooth speaker’s tweeter is less potent than those in my headphones or home cinema system. Because of this, I constantly feel the urge to turn up the volume quite a bit.
Additionally, I change the EQ settings frequently and have many profiles for various musical genres. However, the sound coming from the Bluetooth speaker may be distorted due to these factors.
The speaker requests additional power from the amp when you increase the volume or adjust the EQ to high gain on specific frequencies.
Because they’re always linked to my amp, monitoring speakers and home theater systems are not an issue.
But nobody connects a Bluetooth speaker to a unique amplifier. The speaker’s built-in amplifier must be more potent in less expensive choices.
Because of this, the speaker doesn’t receive that extra power when the volume is turned up or the EQ settings are tweaked.
With high-end Bluetooth speakers that use top-grade components, it’s typically not an issue.
How to Fix It:
You will need to either lower the volume or disable the custom EQ setting to fix the problem.
Before you purchase your subsequent Bluetooth speaker, you may also want to test the speaker’s sensitivity. It’s the amount of sound a speaker can produce with just one watt of power.
The louder your speaker can go without sound distortion, the higher the sensitivity.
Reason 3: Low Battery
Check your Bluetooth speaker’s battery life. It could make a crackling sound if it is running low on power. There are a few ways to fix this issue depending on the power source of your speaker.
How to Fix It:
If your Bluetooth speaker has a rechargeable battery, make sure that it is fully charged before using it.
The power that the Bluetooth chip gets is weakened by a common battery charge, and this affects the entire connection.
If your speaker uses removable batteries, then change the battery. Bad batteries are another reason for the crackling sound.
If your speaker has an unmountable battery and is linked to a direct power source, then attach it to an alternative power source. It might be a problem with the power source you’re currently using.
Reason 4: Interference
Whenever I move my Bluetooth speaker close to the fridge, Wi-Fi modem, laptop, or other electronics, I’ve found that the sound it produces becomes distorted.
Bluetooth uses wireless signals and frequently encounters interference from other wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi.
The Bluetooth signal linking my smartphone and speaker is interfered with when there are too many Bluetooth or wireless internet devices nearby. Sound distortion results from the significant interference that is created.
How to Fix It:
This one’s pretty simple. When using your Bluetooth speakers, it’s best to switch off the Bluetooth on other devices, such as your smartphone and laptop, whenever you don’t need them. This is to reduce interference.
If your router has two bands, you can switch on the 5.0 GHz band and link as many gadgets as possible.
Reason 5: Software and Hardware Problems
Software and hardware problems can also cause a crackling sound. It can be a problem with your Bluetooth speaker, your originating device’s firmware, or the streaming software.
To determine if the issue is coming from the speaker itself or the originating device, try using a different audio device.
If the crackling sound persists, then the issue is with the originating device. If the sound is gone, then the issue is with the speaker.
The streaming program on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop may be to blame for the pops, crackles, and nasty snaps in the audio and firmware problems on either device.
A hardware issue could also be what causes the crackling sound of your Bluetooth speaker. It can be defective Bluetooth hardware or a problem with the drivers and tweeters.
How to Fix It:
If a software problem is to blame for the crackling sound, start by updating the originating device’s firmware and OS. It is typically located in Settings.
The Bluetooth speaker’s software can also be updated. Generally, speakers with a companion app maintain the firmware up-to-date. To check, see the user handbook for your speaker.
If the streaming application is what’s causing the problem, uninstall it from your phone or laptop and reinstall it. Then reset the speaker and reconnect it to your device.
If it’s a hardware issue, identifying the problem will help you get closer to the solution. Depending on the root cause, you may need to have your Bluetooth speaker repaired by an expert or just buy a new one.
The crackling sound on your Bluetooth speaker can be irritating and these devices can be quite pricey to replace, so I hope this article was helpful.
Before getting help from an expert, try to identify the problem. You might be surprised to learn that a minor issue with a simple solution is what’s causing the crackling.
Minor problems causing the crackling sound might be easy to fix, saving you a trip to the repair shop.
Kate is one of the hardest working writers we have on the team. She contributes a lot towards making the Make Life Click community as awesome as it is.