Axpona 2022 This Week: What We Know About the Show So Far!

Axpona 2022

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The Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center near Chicago in Schaumburg, IL is hosting AXPONA 2022 this week from April 22nd to 24th. 

Liz and Mark from Axpona said, “We are aware of the current state of the pandemic and are concerned that things may change in the months ahead.” 

The organizers are respectful about the current situation when traveling and joining a show in April is not quite possible for everyone. Those who want to stay home due to the virus will be respected for their own choice, however, organizers are happy that many tradeshows are on schedule.

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Axpona 2022

Liz and Mark furthermore added, “We are determined to host AXPONA in a safe setting for individuals who are enthusiastic about attending.” 

The show will expect all the participants to confirm their immunization or a negative Covid-19 test prior to the event. A negative result within 72 hours will be sufficient to attend the show. 

For the safety of each participant, there will be certain guidelines anyone above two must wear masks while indoors in a public location. The only exception to this while drinking and eating food.

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The show will follow the current Cook County Department of Public Health guidelines. If there are any changes the organizers will share the details with the participants prior to the event. And the guideline has been already published on the website.

AXPONA’s (Audio Expo North America) objective is to bring together North America’s largest annual gathering of audiophiles, audio dealers, music lovers, manufacturers, and distributors. 

By demonstrating immersive listening experiences with high-performance audio equipment, AXPONA engages and entertains our audience. By fostering a devoted community and encouraging the enjoyment of high-fidelity sound, we assist the growth of the high-end audio industry.

Here are some latest updates from a few of the exhibitors on what they will be bringing to AXPONA for the first time since 2019.

At AXPONA, Zesto Audio will debut two new products. The Zesto Audio Bia 200 Select Stereo Power Amp and the Zesto Audio Andros Téssera Reference Phonostage are two new Zesto Audio products. 

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The Leto Ultra II Preamplifier was released in Q4 of 2019, so for many attendees, this will be their first chance to hear it at a show.

HIFIMAN ELECTRONICS is exhibiting at the Ear Gear Expo with booth 8110. The EF400 desktop DAC/Amp, HM800 compact DAC/Amp, DEVA Pro planar headphone with Bluemini R2R dongle for better resolution wireless audio, and R9 closed-back planar magnet headphone will all be on display at HIFIMAN.

The new R7t tower is the main attraction of Perlisten’s R Series collection, giving a real S Series-inspired architectural vision. More information about the THX Certified Ultra and Dominus speaker can be found at the AXPONA 2022.

VINCENT AUDIO is showcasing PANGEA AUDIO in room 412 on the fourth floor. Vincent Audio’s new SV-228 hybrid integrated amp, which includes the company’s hybrid design, which we recently reviewed, will be a big draw in their distributor’s room in the United States.

(Image Credit: Axpona)

Slava is a man of mystery and no-one seems to know exactly where he is at any point in time. When he isn't enjoying writing about all things audio and technical he can be found researching his next project of interest. The man never rests.

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