How to Bypass Charging Port on Bluetooth Speaker

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How to bypass your Bluetooth speaker’s charging port mainly depends on the type of port it is. More powerful Bluetooth speakers have a regular DC charging port for faster charging, while you can charge smaller speakers via a regular +5V USB port. There are several ways to bypass both.

Depending on the problem, you may need some tools to fix it. Small flathead and Phillips head screwdrivers are a must, as well as a set of pliers. 

You may also need to do some soldering, so a soldering iron is also necessary. But, be sure that you have previous soldering experience. You wouldn’t want to make things worse, right?

How to Bypass a Regular DC Charging Port

If you have a Bluetooth speaker with a powerful battery and a built-in DC charging port that seems broken, there are several ways to bypass it.

Use the USB port on your speaker

All modern Bluetooth speakers have a built-in USB port, so yours should have one too. First, you need to identify the USB port type on your speaker. It can either be a USB type A, Micro USB, or a USB type C.

After identifying the port type, get the required cable and connect your Bluetooth speaker to a cell phone +5V charger or your computer’s USB port. This is the first thing you can try to bypass a faulty charging port on any Bluetooth speaker.

Note that if your Bluetooth speaker has a powerful battery, it may take longer to charge via a regular USB port. A USB port can deliver a maximum of 5V of power.

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Bose Bluetooth Speaker | JumpStory

Repair or replace the DC charging port on your speaker

If you’re more of a DIY enthusiast and want to try and fix the faulty charging port on your Bluetooth speaker, then here’s a general guide on how to do it:

  1. Inspect the speaker and remove any screws you find.
  2. Try to disassemble the housing carefully without breaking anything.
  3. After disassembling the speaker, locate the charging board and the faulty jack.
  4. Inspect the jack for any defects.
  5. Resolder any faulty leads and connections to the board.
  6. If the damage is greater, remove the charging jack by desoldering it.
  7. Solder a new and compatible jack.
  8. Reassemble the speaker, together with all the screws.

What to do if you can’t find a suitable replacement jack?

If your DC charging jack is too damaged and you can’t find a suitable replacement, you can try and solder the charger’s positive and negative wires directly onto the board’s leads. Here’s how:

  1. Disassemble the speaker and locate the charging jack.
  2. Remove the charging jack by desoldering it.
  3. Inspect the board for any lettering that says “+” or “-”, as these are the positive and negative leads that provide the charging current.
  4. Strip the charger wires and differentiate between the positive and the negative ones. The positive wire usually has a stripe or a marking on it.
  5. Put solder on the wires first, then solder them accordingly onto the main board.
  6. Secure the wires inside the speaker’s housing by tying them into a knot.
  7. Reassemble the speaker.

Note that with this solution, you will permanently attach the charging cable to the speaker. It may be inconvenient to carry the speaker with you like this, so keep that in mind.

Desktop Bluetooth Speaker
Desktop Bluetooth Speaker | JumpStory

How to Bypass a USB Type Charging Port

If your Bluetooth speaker has only a regular USB charging port that you suspect is faulty, then there are several things you can do to fix or bypass it.

Fix or replace the USB charging port

If you’ve determined that your charger is working and you suspect a faulty USB port, then you can do the following:

  1. Disassemble the speaker and locate where the USB charging port is attached to the board.
  2. Inspect the state of the soldered leads and solder them if any are detached.
  3. If the USB port is damaged internally, desolder it completely from the board.
  4. Attach a new and compatible USB port to the board and carefully solder it.
  5. Reassemble the speaker and test if it chargers properly.

Solder the charging wires directly to the board

If you don’t have a new and compatible USB port, you can solder the charger wires directly to the board. Note that this is a permanent link. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Disassemble the speaker and locate the faulty USB port.
  2. Desolder the USB port and inspect the board for “+” and “-” signs.
  3. On a USB port, the plus and the minus are usually the leads on the far ends of the jack.
  4. After identifying the right terminals, strip the charger wires and solder them to the board accordingly.
  5. Reassemble the speaker and test it.
Marshall Bluetooth Speaker
Marshall Bluetooth Speaker | JumpStory

Can You Charge a Bluetooth Speaker via an Aux Port?

Now that you know how to bypass the charging port on a Bluetooth speaker, you must be wondering whether or not you can use your Bluetooth speaker’s AUX port to charge it. Let me tell you that you can’t!

An AUX port is only meant to deliver sound to your speaker from an external device, such as your computer or cellphone if you can’t establish a Bluetooth connection. 

That is why it may be named AUX-in, as it can only receive audio signals but not charge current.

Can You Charge A Bluetooth Speaker’s Battery Directly?

No, you can’t charge a Bluetooth speaker battery directly.

Any electronic device with a built-in battery needs a special circuit board dedicated to proper battery charging. It controls the proper voltage and current and often cuts off power when the battery is fully charged.

If you charge the battery directly without a special circuit board, you risk damaging it and even causing it to blow up, as in exploding!

A passion for writing and ongoing research projects gives Catherine an incredibly broad knowledge of all things. She has authored an incredible number of articles and can be found in the wilderness when not attached to technology or listening to podcasts.

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